Motivation and inclusion of adults in non-formal education

The project "Motivation and inclusion of adults in non-formal education" No. 2022-1-LT01-KA122-ADU-000072229 was promoted within the Erasmus+ Programme and organized by Kaišiadorys Cultural Centre, in cooperation with AMFI INTERNATIONAL, from October 10 to October 14, 2022.
The 4 andragogues participated in 5 days/40 hours qualification training courses “Non-formal adult education solutions”, they improved the abilities and competences to work and communicate with members of adult groups and additionally visited few local organisations, related to non-formal and cultural adults education.
Participants achieved the project main goal: to improve the abilities and competences of KKC employees to work and communicate with members of adult groups, in order to motivate them and to fully involve them in the non-formal education activities.
At the end of their mobility, participants received a Certificate of Attendance.