What are we looking for?

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Impara a lavorare in un ambiente internazionale potenziando l'inglese, lo spagnolo e le altre lingue europee. Al termine dell'esperienza riceverai un diploma e una lettera di raccomandazione che potrai utilizzare come biglietto da visita nei tuoi prossimi colloqui di lavoro! Percepirai un rimborso spese per biglietti autobus/treno e/o rifornimento auto.
Candidato ideale:
conoscenza, anche base, di inglese e/o spagnolo;
preferibile conoscenza di altre lingue;
patente B;
eccellenti capacità comunicative e relazionali;
Se interessato/a invia il tuo CV e una lettera di motivazione in Inglese ad info@amfinternational.org come oggetto dell'email inserisci "Candidatura Tirocinio non retribuito" Se selezionato/a verrai chiamato/a per un colloquio conoscitivo presso la nostra sede.

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Are you open-minded, you like to meet people coming from other cultures and help them integrate into a new country? Then, this might be the job for you! We are looking for a tutor for Erasmus+ groups willing to relocate eventually in the cities of Celano or Avezzano in Abruzzo, Italy.
fluent English and/or Spanish;
car licence;
flexibility to work in different hours of the day;
availability to cover emergency situations;
excellent communication and relational skills;
previous experience managing foreign groups it's a plus;
residency in Celano or Avezzano is also a plus.
If interested send your CV and Motivation Letter in English at info@amfinternational.org with Object "Candidacy Tutor AMFI". If selected, you will be scheduled for a Skype call with our Manager. Tryout period envisioned.

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Would you like to travel and show the beauty of Italy to foreign people? Then, this might be the job for you! We are looking for a driver/accompanying person for Erasmus+ groups.
fluent English and/or Spanish;
car licence;
flexibility to work in different hours of the day and also on weekends;
available to work with P.IVA or C.F. "Prestazione Occasionale";
excellent communication and relational skills;
previous experience managing foreign groups it's a plus;
If interested send your CV and Motivation Letter in English at info@amfinternational.org with Object "Candidacy Driver/Accompanying AMFI". If selected, you will be scheduled for a Skype call with our Manager. Tryout period envisioned.

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Are you expert on a field related to education? Do you know English well and you would be able to teach to small or large groups of teachers coming from EU countries? Then, we might be looking for you!
willingness to work with P.IVA or C.F. "Prestazione Occasionale";
fluent English;
degree in the subject of competence;
car licence;
If you are interested in the position, please send us your CV and motivational letter at info@amfinternational.org with Object "Candidacy Trainer AMFI". If selected, you will be scheduled for a Skype call with our manager. Small tryout period envisioned.