TOPIC: Food Education and Food Culture in Europe. "Educating European youth about food and gastronomy aims to combine healthy eating...

Title: E(yoU)th: Youth for Europe Very few young Italians know the opportunities that the EU offers them, and this is especially because...

KA1 Youth Exchange - CALL FOR PARTNERS
Title: GAME: Go abroad to move and exchange! Youth exchange focused on sports: through outdoor activities, games, discussions we want to...

KA1 Training Course for Youth Leaders - CALL FOR PARTNERS
Title: Nessuno escluso!L’educazione non-formale come strumento di inclusione sociale (No one excluded! Non-formal education as a tool for...

KA3 Youth Structured Dialogue - CALL FOR PARTNERS
Project Title: WOMEN'S VOICES Developing Young Women Participation at Local Level - aims to foster the inclusion of young women in their...

Call for Partners Erasmus+ KA1- EVS
Programme: Erasmus plus KA1 - European Volountary Service Applicant Organisation: AMFI Project Name: "Yourope: Youth for Europe"...

New Call for Partners Erasmus+ KA1- VET
Programme: Erasmus plus KA1 - VET Mobility Applicant Organisation: AMFI International Project Name: “NOMoS” – New Organizational and...

Call for Partners Erasmus+ KA1- VET
Programme: Erasmus plus KA1 - VET Mobility Applicant Organisation: AMFI Project Name: Advanced skills for Handicraft jobs – Handj...

Last minute Call for Partners Erasmus+ KA1
Programme: Erasmus plus KA1 - Youth workers Mobility Applicant Organisation: AMFI Project Name: VOCE Description of the project: Amfi...

Call for Partners Erasmus+ KA3
Programme: Erasmus plus KA3 - Support for Policy Reform Dialogue between young people and policy makers. Applicant Organisation: AMFI...