8 Lithuanian Graduate in Celano for the Erasmus+ Project "CAREER PATH"

From July 9th to July 30th, AMFI International hosted a delegation of 8 Lithuanian graduates from Aukstadvaris Agricultural School, who were all vocational training graduates for cook-waiter and small business services provider professions.
Their stay was financed by the project “Career path" No. 2016-1-LT01-KA102-022753 whose main goal was to provide graduates with the possibility of increasing their level of competitiveness in the job market by acquiring hands on work experience and specific professional skills, getting in touch with the Italian culture and lifestyle.
Those graduates who held a job as cooks or waiters learned how to prepare dishes containing seafood and serve them properly to customers. While those who worked in small business learned to organize and plan small businesses for tourists and recreational activities, as well as how to communicate properly with clients.
All in all, this experience allowed all the participants to measure themselves not only with new professional skills but also with a new language, being able to master English as first language of communication but also basic Italian. We were pleased to receive and to supervise the graduates because they were very motivated and professional. Participants really tried to understand and discover as much as possible about everything around them.
AMFI International thanks all those restaurants and businesses in Celano that opened their enterprise to the graduates, allowing them to actively participate and gain real hands on experience which will represent a life-long benefit for them.
We hope that the so far fruitful cooperation between AMFI and Aukstadvaris Agricultural School will continue in the future.