“From Idea to the Business” Erasmus+ project reached its conclusion!

The project “From Idea to the Business” was promoted within the Programme Erasmus+ and organized by Aukstadvaris Agricultural School, in cooperation with AMFI international, from July 2 to July 21, 2017 in Celano, Italy.
This project gave 8 students and 1 teacher from Lithuania the possibility to deepen their knowledge and skills getting in touch with the Italian culture and lifestyle. All the participants increased their competitiveness and self confidence by acquiring real work place experience and specific professional skills.
MAIL GOAL: To improve entrepreneurship and competitiveness providing students with the possibility to do international practice in foreign companies and to acquire new professional skills and competences according to their course of study.
AMFI International, thanks to all the local partners who have agreed to host the students, giving them the chance to learn from real life experiences, was able to organize this experience for the students of Aukstadvaris Agricultural School.
In their job place, participants learnt how to: coordinate different activities in company; deal and negotiate with costumers; work in team and observing their colleagues; organize a small business; manage the agenda; serve customers in English and Italian; become acquainted with Italian Culture and lifestyle.
All in all, this experience was a positive one both for the students and for AMFI that was pleased to host such well-behaved, motivated, professional and willing to learn students. Therefore, we hope that the cooperation with Aukstadvaris Agricultural School will continue in the future.