6 Teachers from Lithuania for the project "Creation of a safe and open learning environment"

The project "Creation of a safe and open learning environment" N° 2020-1-LT01-KA102-077480 was promoted within the Erasmus+ Programme and organized by “Elektrėnai Vocational Training Centre”, in cooperation with AMFI INTERNATIONAL, from September 26th to October 2, 2021.
The 6 teachers involved had a very rich programme of activities, they got familiar with different theories and methods, got the chance to visit 6 different schools, where they were able to talk to their colleagues in Italy and observe lectures and local teachers' methodologies to solve problematic situations. During this period participants got familiar with the staff and locals of the hosting organization AMFI - Agenzia per la Mobilità e la Formazione Internazionale. Participants achieved project’s main goal: to provide VET teachers with training in order to acquire educational and psychological classes management skills and impartial methods of solving bullying and other problematic situations. At the end of their Training Programme, participants received a Certificate of Attendance. Thank you to “Elektrėnai Vocational Training Centre” for our long time cooperation and to all the local partners who have allowed us to visit them.